
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Let's workout!

Sawasdee peeps...

I've been getting some great workouts in and been promising to share them so here they are! 

Quick 20 minute Treadmill Interval/Incline :) 
Start at 1% incline and warmup for 2 minutes.
Go up 1% each minute. So at 2 minutes you'll be at 2%, 3 minutes is 3% and 4 minutes is 4%...etc 
BUT every OTHER minute you're going to run. When you reach 10 minutes/10% incline you'll just walk down 1% incline every minute! Your last minute running will hurt...but remember YOU ARE A CHAMP! And you can do ANYTHING for a minute. 60 seconds. It's nothing! You got this. And you'll burn like 200 calories ;) 

Shoulder/Abs Tabata (Find a Tabata Track and kill yoself) 
1. Around the world with Arnold Press 
2. V-Ups with/without Bosu
3. Squat Jumps
4. Bicycle Crunches
5. Bosu Jacks
6. Shoulder Press
7. Up Downs
8. Planks

(20 seconds on 10 seconds off) The first few are easy, but the last four SUCK and you will love yourself for it later :) 

If you don't have Tabata just do this...
15 Around the worlds with Arnold press 
20 squat jumps 
15 Triceps Bench Dips 
12 Triceps Kick Backs 
10 MT. Climbers 
1 Pushup 
10 bicycle crunches 
1 v-up


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