
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Here it comes!

Three. Days. I walk across a stage, shake a few hands, do a little leprechaun dance while Birthday by Katy Perry is playing in my head. These past 4 years flew by so fast. Too fast.

After you graduate high school, you're constantly being asked "what college are you going to?, what are you going to major in?, what do you want to be?...etc", then you graduate college and you're constantly being asked "what are you plans now? where do you want to work? are you applying to jobs?" and you get endless amounts of professional advice that honestly all sounds the same (sorry all of my older wiser friends)...
Now that you've graduted, you can move back to your parent's houses with a sense of pride!
I could be really bummed about the fact that I haven't signed on with some amazing company and I'm not on my way to building a 401K...but I'm not bummed...and thankfully I opened up a personal Roth IRA last summer so my future is still promising,.

Nope, I am actually relieved. What am I doing after college you ask? I am going to LIVE. I am going to study more of what I am interested in, go to fitness expos and conventions, invest in myself and expand as an individual. I want to be a better daughter, sister, friend, and  partner. I am just going to be patient in my growth and know that you can't rush something you want to last forever.

I have a million ideas floating in my head about what I want to do. It's just all about patience and timing. The opportunities will unfold when they're supposed to.

So this summer my only goals are to give the absolute best service ever at California Pizza Kitchen, save my money, and study for my personal training certification. Maybe even train for a competition if my finances look like they can handle it.

Don't let the fact that you're not where you feel like you "should" be get you down. Look at it this way...some people are worried about where their next meal is going to come from, where they're going to sleep at night, whether they will get to take a shower or not...and to be worried about being a college graduate not working where you "expected" to be when you finished seems so silly compared to the latter. We are LUCKY to be worried about such things. Take a deep breathe and remind yourself you're awesome and don't forget about people who have far more worse problems than ourselves.

Congrats to my fellow Class of 2014!

Ciao xoxo,
Cheyenne Peluso

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